Thursday, September 22, 2011

Mastermind Groups

-by Matt Leedham

Napoleon Hill, author of the timeless 1937 classic Think and Grow Rich, proposes this concept:

“No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind [the master mind].”

Mastermind groups bring together 4-10 people that share some specific interest, opportunity or challenge. Through structured dialog, they share ideas, brainstorm, create solutions, and experience share with each other for both the collective good of the group, and more specifically the individual benefit of shared brainpower on an isolated challenge.

Velocity will soon be offering Mastermind Groups. The concept has been around for a long time, but some of you may still not be completely clear on what it is or how it can benefit you.

A Mastermind Group will form a trusted network of advisors that want to see you succeed. Confidentiality is a critical component, as is every participant’s full commitment. The environment of trust and respect is so high, that digging deep on business or personal challenges and opportunities will quickly result in some of the following benefits:

  • Increased knowledge and/or new skill sets
  • Instant and honest feedback on challenges you may be facing
  • Group brainstorming and experience sharing around opportunities available to you
  • A trusted network that believes in your success
  • Accountability partners and challenge buddies that push you to the next level
  • A facilitated, productive discussion that yields results

A Mastermind Group is not a lead-generating networking group. Naturally, connections and resources are shared, but that is not the primary intent of the group. A Mastermind Group is not a group coaching session or a training class. The facilitator will guide the discussion for the purpose of productivity, but the participants create the agenda and are the primary source of ideas and information.

Other perks and benefits from a Mastermind Group are guest speakers, books, articles, message boards, and other resources to help you continue to grow.

Mastermind Groups have been around for centuries. This is not a new concept, but it is clearly an effective one. If your interest is piqued by this model of self improvement and group growth, email us! We are particularly interested in those that are in the education space, small business entrepreneurs, and health and wellness providers (e.g. physical therapists, chiropractors, masseuses, etc.).

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