Monday, November 7, 2011

What's the Opportunity?

By Jaime Willis

This weekend was a bit of a bummer -- I spent over 30 hours at work finishing an important project.  Now, while no one wants to spend their entire weekend at work, situations like this are perfect for stretching your "opportunity" muscles.

When you are dealing with a difficult or unenjoyable task (or both!), your attitude will make all the difference.

First -- I'm leaving for a week's vacation today -- so working over the weekend gave me the opportunity to really appreciate my time off of work.

Second -- I chose to make the best of my project by packing a bunch of action adventure movies to listen to as I entered data.  My 18-hour work day on Saturday turned into a bit of a movie marathon -- National Treasure, Time Line, The Italian Job, Speed, and The Fugitive.

Third -- when I realized the work would take longer than I thought on Saturday, I had a choice. I could stay and keeping working long into the night or leave at a reasonable hour and come back Sunday to finish it up.  I chose to stay on Saturday so I could sleep in on Sunday and do personal errands.

Really early on Sunday morning (3 or 4am, depending on Daylight Savings Time), I finished the assignment and took a taxi home.

While I've had more fun on a weekend before, I am really satisfied with my time spent this weekend.  I could have been miserable and angry all weekend.  I chose to make the best of it, and I hope you find a way to do the same next time you have a "bummer" of a situation.  

1 comment:

  1. Amen and AMEN. Life is full of wasted opportunites- every situation you find yourself in leaves you option to come out better on the other side if you embrace it the right way! ♥
