Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Weekly Wednesday Inspiration #37

By Jaime Willis

This week, I read a brilliant blog post by Scott Adams (the creator of Dilbert). It was so good, I was a little miffed I hadn't thought of it first.

He said, "For today only, skip the usual negative comments and leave only optimistic thoughts based on real trends and actual news items. I'll start."

To pick a few examples he mentioned:

"Healthcare: It's better than at any time in human history. Doctors can successfully treat more problems than ever. It's expensive, but arguably there has never been a better value for your dollar."

"Iraq: We're getting out by the end of the year."

"Communication: We're all lucky to be alive in the age of the internet."


If you've known me in real life for any appreciable amount of time, you've probably been present to at least one instance where I've gone absolutely and positively ecstatically bananas excited for the time we are living in right now.

"We're living in the FUTURE!" I yell.

"Yes, Jaime, we know. The future," you quickly rejoinder, hoping it doesn't start another ten-minute soliloquy that ventures from the LHC to custom medicine to all things Apple. Sadly for you, it's difficult to get me to be quiet about how exciting the FUTURE of NOW is.

I really love Scott's blog post, because that's really the version of news I want to get every day. Sure, there are problems. Yes, I want to help solve them.

But I know, anecdotally and scientifically, that focusing on the negative doesn't help us.

How cool would that be to have a newspaper that reported every story from the best, most "opportunity-driven" point of view?

If you have a great headline for the Positivity Paper, leave it in the comments.


p.s. It's the future. And it's awesome!

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