Monday, July 25, 2011

A New Day is Dawning (Velocity, v2.0)

-by Matt Leedham

Hello Achievers!

This is not one of our typical blog posts, but rather an update about Velocity. We have some exciting news to share about our focus and the changes that will be coming as we move forward. Those changes affect this blog as well and we wanted to keep you all informed.

  • Over the last 10 months, Velocity has done some fun things. Let’s take a look at just a few:
  • Published over 200 blog posts (wow!)
  • Interviewed 33 achievers in our Friday special, “TGIF: This Goal Is Finished” (applause to all of you!)
  • Have had over 15,000 visits to our blog/website (thank you!)
  • Have spoken over 10 times to groups of students, teachers, entrepreneurs, and generally awesome people about goal setting and achieving more
  • Have individually coached entrepreneurs, principals, teachers, consultants, and lawyers

We have had a great time changing lives and making an impact on our community by helping others realize their true potential for achievement. Through all of this experience, Velocity has become more narrowly focused on our target demographic (our niche) and how we serve them (our specialty). We will now be focused on Leadership Development and Coaching with two groups of people:

  1. Professional Educators (i.e. Teachers, Principals, and other Education Administrators)
  2. Entrepreneurs

Jaime and Matt each bring specific skill sets that will serve these two groups in ways that simply improve our community. We believe in the lofty vision that we’ll all benefit from more effective teacher/leaders helping students learn more, and more effective entrepreneurs/leaders managing people and taking care of customers. You can read our thoughts in more detail on each of these categories below.

How will this affect our blog?

Our blog format will be changing going forward to better represent our focus. Each week, Jaime will publish one education-specific post and Matt will publish one entrepreneur-specific post. Don’t worry though, the “Matt & Jaime Show” will continue with at least two general achievement posts each week. The TGIF series will be disappear as a regularly scheduled program, but please do share your successes with us as we would love to share your stories and help you celebrate your wins!

Some Thoughts on Education…

Educators, Education administrators, Parents, Community Members, News Media, Politicians, and Pundits all agree that the American system of Education is failing our students. Reform has been the battle cry for years -- most recently with the enactment of No Child Left Behind and the advent of testing and "data-driven" results as the go-to evaluative method for academic success.

Every curriculum specialist, education program, educational professional and consultant is looking for or hawking the 'magic pill' to save our schools. At Velocity, we believe that there is no magic pill. If there were one thing we could do across the board to dramatically change the face of education for the better, it would be changing people's minds.

We know that engagement, leadership ability, energy, and attitude are critical to any successful endeavor, and certainly critical to the success of school administration, faculty, and ultimately the students we want to succeed. What if you felt engaged every single day you walked into work? What if your work and personal lives were balanced in a way that consistently gave you joy? What if you were surrounded by people as energized as you were about your work and found opportunities in every challenge?

Our goal is to massively transform K-12 education at its building block, starting with educators. We are focused specifically on faculty and administrators working in urban Title I schools in improvement status -- the schools that most desperately need a huge shot of passion and engagement.

Using the research-based attitudinal assessment created by renowned coach and psychologist, Bruce D. Schneider, the Energy Leadership Index Assessment (ELI), we are able to get a "moment in time" snapshot of how you feel at work and at home. Unlike Myers-Briggs or DISC assessments that tell you how to best operate within a certain label of strengths and weaknesses, the ELI measures your energy and engagement level at the current time.

We use this assessment as a roadmap for personalized coaching to help educators effect positive change in their careers. What is so amazing about Energy Leadership is that it will not only reinvigorate a career, but it will have a ripple effect on an entire life -- improving personal relationships, creating a sense of peace, and help build sustainable happiness.

One teacher who recently went through just two hours of training with us said, "I knew you guys were going to be good, but you really blew me away. Thanks for relighting my fire."

Jaime has been teaching and training for over twelve years. She has worked with schools, community groups, and non-profits around the world, including DC Public and Public Charter Schools, Howard University, Western Michigan University, Nanjing University in China, Passports to College of Bermuda, Baçeşehir University of Istanbul, Turkey, the National Institute of Health, Prince Georges County Public Schools, Montgomery County Public Schools, Andrus Family Fund, Annie E. Casey Foundation, and the I Have a Dream Foundation, among others. She is an energetic and entertaining speaker and trainer who enjoys helping students and professional reach their personal and professional best.

Some Thoughts on Entrepreneurship…

Small businesses drive our economy. Did you know that small businesses represent over 99% of all employers in the U.S.? Or that they have generated 65% of new jobs over the last two decades? In 2009 alone, over 500,000 new businesses were created. Think about all of the people that were employed by those businesses!

Supporting entrepreneurs is a critical piece to establishing a more abundant economy and more prosperous communities. In other words, by creating programs and services that help entrepreneurs lead more successful business, which will provide salaries and benefits for their employees, we can build better, more stable communities.

The challenge for many entrepreneurs is balanced growth and focus. The maverick attitude that got an entrepreneur to spark a new business concept can waiver under the pressure of achievement as more people become involved in the business. Employees, clients, vendors, and investors all have needs and demands to be met. All of a sudden, the fun and exciting ride with the pedal to the metal, becomes a more like a roller coaster ride with ups and downs and that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.

At Velocity, we believe the most effective way to grow as an entrepreneur is to focus on a 3-step process:

  • Awareness – focus on who you are, why you do what you do, and where you want to go from here.
  • Balance – focus on the whole picture, including your personal relationships, health, and enjoyment.
  • Conquer – with a foundation of awareness and balance, become laser-focused on conquering your vision

Using the research-based attitudinal assessment created by renowned coach and psychologist, Bruce D. Schneider, the Energy Leadership Index Assessment (ELI), we are able to get a "moment in time" snapshot of how an entrepreneur feels at work and at home. Unlike Myers-Briggs or DISC assessments that tell you how to best operate within a certain label of strengths and weaknesses, the ELI measures your energy and engagement level at the current time.

We use this assessment as a roadmap for personalized coaching to help entrepreneurs effect positive change in their careers. What is so amazing about Energy Leadership is that it will not only reinvigorate a career, but it will have a ripple effect on an entire life -- improving personal relationships, creating a sense of peace, and help build sustainable happiness.

After a few weeks of coaching, one entrepreneur said, “Matt is insightful, a creative thinker and solution oriented. His expertise in business and entrepreneurship is invaluable. He has his finger on the pulse of current business trends and technology which I found abundantly helpful.”

Matt has spent the last 7 years working with entrepreneurs in business development, strategic planning, coaching, and consulting. He has spent the last 4 years working with over 1,000 entrepreneurs across the U.S. in building measurable action plans tied to strategic visions. With Velocity being his second entrepreneurial venture, Matt uses his experience, knowledge, resources, and networks to help other entrepreneurs realize their potential and reach their vision. He is passionate about helping entrepreneurs reach the next level in their business without sacrificing their health, relationships, or happiness along the way.

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