Friday, July 29, 2011

Goal Update: Health Edition

-By Jaime Willis

I have 3 major health-related goals for 2011 -- let's check in and see how I am doing.  Thanks to Sean "Positivity" Powell for nudging me to update.

1) Running 50 10k 'races' by the end of the year.

2) Completing a sprint triathlon on August 14, two days before my big "6th anniversary of my 29th Birthday" (Yes, it is up to you to do the math on that one).

3) Continuing to lose weight and reach my goal. 

I've made progress on all three fronts.

As of now, I've run/walked/ellipticaled through 23 10ks.  That's over 138 miles in the last seven months.  To reach my goal, I need to run another 27 10ks in the next 22 weeks.  This is totally achievable!  I'll have to start doubling up on 10ks (2 per week).  Since I've done that in the past, I know I can do it again.  I've committed to running a 10k this weekend, and 1-2 more before my birthday.  After the triathlon is over, I'll really get back to my 'normal' routine and I should be able to knock these out and be back on track.

10k Milestone Goals (to help keep me accountable throughout the rest of the year):

End of August:  Have 27 10ks under my belt
End of September: Have 33 completed
End of October: Have 41 completed
End of November: Have 47 completed
End of December: Have run all 50 10ks.

As for the triathlon, I have done the full biathlon distance (biking, then running) twice already.  I've also swam the full distance several times.  I'm not fast, and it's not pretty to watch, but I'm confident that I'll be able to finish the race, barring injury.  I will be training hard this weekend and next, and in two weeks, I'll be reporting back with a medal in my hand.

The losing weight front has been a back and forth struggle -- the weigh-in yesterday after two weeks of "tourist" eating with my visiting sister wasn't pretty.  That said, I am committed to continuing to work on healthy eating and exercise, and I know I'll get myself back on track.  I know when I get busy, my diet is one of the first things I "let go."  With 22 weeks left in the year, I'd like to end 2011 22 pounds lighter than I am now.  This means making my health a priority!  I know I can do it and I'm glad to have all of you keeping me accountable!

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