Monday, March 21, 2011

Kicking down the Obstacles

-By Jaime Willis

"Obstacles are those frightening things you see when you take your eye off the target."
- Curt Carlson

Girls can't do math.

Moms can't be powerful executives and good parents at the same time.

Short people can't play basketball.

Men should be the family providers.

Real guys don't cry.

We've heard all of these things before, haven't we?  Even though none of them are TRUE, how many of us have allowed ourselves to be deterred from reaching a goal because it didn't fit in with conventional thinking?

Did you want to be excited about school, but were afraid of being called nerdy?

Did you want to be athletic,  but just "knew" that chubby kids can't play sports?

Think about one goal that has eluded you for the longest time. Ask yourself if you are buying into false conventions about that goal.

Do Diets ALWAYS fail?

Do night owls NEVER get up early?

Do the rich ALWAYS get richer and the poor ALWAYS get poorer?

Nope.  There are people who manage to do whatever they set their mind to regardless of conventional thinking.  You can be one of those people!  Just give up the belief that convention is always right and attack your goal as if succeeding were a foregone conclusion.

Just take Mike Flynt.  In 1965, Mike was on the first state championship football team of the high school featured in "Friday Night Lights."  After high school, he went to Ranger school, then on to Sul Ross State University.  After playing two years of exceptional football, including the team's only win against Texas A & I, Mike was kicked off the team in 1971, his senior year, due to fighting.

Although Mike moved on to become a successful strength and conditional coach, inventing the Powerbase training system, he always regretted not being able to complete his final year of football in school.  At 59 years old, Mike, at the prodding of his old football buddies, suited up and joined Sul Ross State University for his final year of eligibility.  Mike didn't listen to those who told him he was too old to finish his dream - he just went ahead and did it.

Believe it!  Achieve it!

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