Monday, February 28, 2011


-by Jaime Willis

Good Morning! It is a gorgeous day here in Washington D.C. today and I had a great weekend! As I was thinking about what to post today, I recalled all of the times I have said in the past that "I am going to start [that] on Monday."

Whatever the [that] is, Monday is the day we typically pick to start a new project, get rid of a bad habit, or try to build a new habit, isn't it? You may have spent the weekend over-indulging knowing that Monday was a new week.

Guess what, kids? It's Monday. It's time for ACTION!

Think of that goal that has been eluding you. Think of one thing you can do RIGHT NOW to push yourself even one step further to that goal. Now, go and DO IT. Right now. Seriously!

What smalls steps can you take right now that may be part of a big change?

  • Throw away the pack of cigarettes in your pocket or purse. Right now.
  • Get rid of the candy bar in your desk drawer. Right now.
  • Sign up for a language class you've been meaning to take. Right now.
  • Email the friend you wish you hadn't lost touch with. Right now.
  • Put on your gym shoes and walk around the block. Right now.
  • Register for a triathlon as you've always wished you were fit enough to complete. Right now.
Whatever your goal, there is something you can do RIGHT NOW.

It's Monday. Get it Done.

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