Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Getting Through It

-By Jaime Willis

When you start to feel . . . do. For example – when you start to feel scared because you don’t have enough money….find someone to give a little money to. When you start to feel like you don’t have enough love. . . find someone to offer love. When you feel unappreciated, unacknowledged . . . appreciate and acknowledge someone in your life in a concrete way. When you feel unlucky, order yourself to consider a blessing or two. And then find a tangible way to make today somebody else’s lucky day. This strategy helps me sidestep wallowing every day.

Sometimes, life is just tough. Getting through the day is hard, much less trying to accomplish anything productive during the day. Here are some tips on how to get through a low period and keep on pursuing your dreams.

1) Have perspective. Pain, even the worst type of pain, subsides over time. Your troubles are temporary. Some day in the not too distant future, you *will* be doing better. Remember that what you are going through now is not forever.

2) Follow Momastery's lead: when you are feeling down, help someone else. It may not solve your problem, but being able to feel useful, helpful, or loved in any capacity can give you the "juice" and energy to work on your own troubles.

3) Phone a friend. Whatever you are going through, you are not the only one. Learn from someone else's experience, commiserate with them, or just be heard.

4) Seek professional help. Sometimes, the problems we face are not solvable on our own. Substance abuse, for example, is almost never something you can 'fix' by yourself. Find the right support for your problem, whether it be medical professionals, counselors, coaches, business advisors, or mentors.

5) Tough times build our character. It takes rain to make a rainbow, and you may need this experience to really appreciate the reward that comes later.

Good Luck! You CAN do it!

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