Monday, June 6, 2011

I'm Tired, I'm Jazzed!

-By Jaime Willis

I'll warn you right now, this may be a weird blog post as I have yet to make it to bed today (yesterday?). But the reason for that is pretty awesome -- Matt and I are bidding on a project to help bring positive thinking and goal-setting into the K-12 classroom!

And this is just one of several huge projects Velocity is juggling behind the scenes here a "1 Achiever Place." We've got another proposal already in, we're finalizing copy on a program we're co-hosting for families this fall, and we had another AMAZING class this weekend.

All this stuff is super cool in it's own right, but it's even cooler when you understand that this is the power of intention. When Matt and I started Velocity ten months ago, we were pretty intentional about our goals for our business. We set big goals and some smaller milestones to get us there through 2012.

And here's the crazy thing about goals -- they don't really happen linearly. There is usually a lot of momentum and therefore a lot of stuff happening either right at the beginning or right at the end of your goal.

For example, if you are losing weight, when are you going to typically lose the most? At the start of your diet, because you are making the biggest changes to your current eating and exercise habits. By the time you get to the 'last ten pounds,' you are going to fight toothe and nail to get that off a pound (or less) at a time.

If you are going into business, the opposite is true. Oh, there is a lot of momentum and work involved in starting a business, don't get me wrong! But, you do lots and lots and lots of work and see barely any results. And then, like magic, 8 or 10 or 12 or 24 months down the road, all of your hard work blossoms into contracts or clients or great opportunities for you and your business to succeed.

Whether you are tired of working on your goal right now or *jazzed* that the goal is coming to fruition (or both at the same time!), keep up the good work! Success is on your horizon.

Have a great day, y'all!

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