Thursday, April 28, 2011


-by Matt Leedham

A very respected peer of mine recently introduced this concept to me as it relates to coaching (thanks Stephanie McDilda!). She’s built a keynote/workshop around the idea of being unstoppable, and although I have not yet heard the content, knowing her and the idea of being unstoppable, I have no doubt it will be a powerful experience.

I would love for Stephanie to write a guest post someday soon (hint, hint!), but in the meantime, let me briefly share what I believe being unstoppable means.

Being unstoppable means…

…that you have a purpose which drives an undying passion.

…that your passion can create undying energy in pursuit of it.

…that you have tenacity and grit.

…that you have encountered, embraced, and fought through external obstacles to your goal (e.g. money, time, connections, etc.).

…that you have faced, leaned into, and conquered internal obstacles to your goal (e.g. fear, insecurities, rejection, etc.).

…that you realize there is a forest beyond the trees, and small setbacks are not deal-breakers.

…that sometimes you have to climb the mountain and sometimes you have to walk around the mountain, and that the only thing that matters is that you get to the other side.

…that there are ebbs and flows to progress.

…that you stay the course in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, etc., etc.

Be your own juggernaut. Be an unstoppable force in your life. Be the purposeful, intentional, unrelenting, tenacious fighter that you are.

Are you there yet? Do you feel unstoppable? Tell us about it!

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